Welcome to the Organic Crystal Structure and Electronic Properties Database!

The OCSEP database is being developed in an effort to accelerate the development of solid organic materials and electrooptic devices. Calculated values that you can find in our database have been painstakingly benchmarked against experimental values for electronic properties.

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Who We Are?

The Organic Crystalline Structural and Electronic Properties Database Project is run by Professor Bohdan Schatshneider and his team of scientists and students in the Department of Chemistry at Pennsylviania State University, Fayette. This research is possible thanks to NSF grant number DMR 1410736.

How Can You Contribute?

Thanks to the philanthropic research that our group is a strong supporter of, thousands of research groups world-wide can enjoy free access to our Genome Project. You can help by submitting feedback to us on existing systems or by requesting new systems to be available.

Explore the Data

Our painstakingly collected compilation is called the Organic Crystal Structure and Electronic Properties Database (OCSEP), and is now freely accessible to the research community and the public.

Research Log
NSF grant number DMR 1410736